CVM Resources

Image of two Mississippi State veterinary students holding a brown dog on an exam table.


New DVM & VMT Students, CVM Faculty & Staff

Welcome! To begin your work with sources of ionizing radiation at MSU, please submit the following CVM Radiation Safety Enrollment Form. Once your enrollment form has been received and processed, you will be placed in the appropriate training. Be on the lookout for an email from Canvas containing your course invitation. You will be issued a radiation dosimeter upon completion of your training.

To obtain your radiation exposure history from a non-MSU facility, fill out the form below. Please note: this form is already a part of the enrollment process. We are simply offering it should you need it for an additional facility that was not included in your initial enrollment.

Will you be working with or around the MRI? To enroll in MRI Safety Training, click the link below. You will be prompted to log into CAS and then taken to the Register for Selective Training Courses form. Once there, you must select the correct class from the "Please Select a Course" dropdown. We also request that you justify why you are enrolling in this course by telling us how it applies to you and your field of study. Once you have completed the eform, please sign into Canvas to access the training. 

Want to know more about working with radiation while pregnant?

Contact the Radiation Safety Officer at for more information. If you are interested in requesting a fetal dosimetry badge, please take a look at the form below.

Former CVM Faculty, Staff, & Students

To request your radiation exposure history from your time at Mississippi State, please fill out the form below. 

Instadose Training & Resources

Your Instadose badge uploads your radiation dose data automatically once per week when the badge is located on the badge board in Diagnostic Imaging. When you take your badge on an externship, or to another off-campus location, you will need to manually upload your dose data at least once per week using the Instadose companion app on your phone. 

To perform a manual read:

1) Open the Instadose Companion app and log in if you have set up your Instadose account credentials. (login is not required to read badge) 

2) Press and hold the button on the back of the badge for ~4 seconds until the light flashes bright green.

3) The light will continue to blink dimly green. When you see a second bright green flash, the read is successful. The app will also show you the status of the read as you go through the process. 

It’s important to do this at least once per week when you are away from CVM for extended periods. This preserves the battery of your Instadose badge and ensures that we are able to accurately monitor your radiation exposure in a timely manner. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!

Additional Radiation Dosimetry Topics

Ring Dosimetry 

If you believe that the nature of your work requires extremity radiation monitoring, please fill out the Ring Dosimeter Request below. This would include work such as routinely holding or positioning animals for x-rays, or spending extended time utilizing fluoroscopy. If it is determined that your work requires extremity monitoring, please be sure to return your ring dosimeter to the badge board area in Diagnostic Imaging after each use. This will ensure that your ring dosimeter is changed out on the set quarterly schedule of Jan. 25th, Apr. 25th, Jul. 25th, and Oct. 25th to be analyzed. 

Lost or damaged dosimeter?

Fill out the Dosimeter Replacement Request below. If your badge is damaged, be sure to continue wearing it anyway until you receive a replacement. The badges are designed to continue capturing dose data even when they appear to no longer be working. If your badge is lost or damaged beyond repair, you are not permitted to enter areas where dosimetry is required until your replacement arrives. 

Leaving MSU?

Be sure to fill out the Dosimeter Cancellation Request. Your dosimeter will be promptly canceled when the form is received. This will start the process of finalizing your radiation dose history for your time at MSU. The sooner you get this information submitted, the sooner your dose history will be available for future employers!