X-Ray Devices

X-ray producing devices must be registered with the Mississippi Department of Health upon arrival. This includes devices such as fluoroscopy units, analytical x-ray units, medical x-ray units, Computerized Tomography (CT), particle accelerators, and other devices with the potential to produce ionizing radiation. For assistance registering your device or questions regarding the use of these devices, please contact the RSO at radiationsafety@ehs.msstate.edu.

All x-ray device users are required to complete x-ray safety training and/or radiation safety training depending on the device. Please fill out the Radiation Safety Enrollment Form found below if you need training – CVM faculty, staff, and students use the CVM form, all others use the MSU form. Additionally, most x-ray device users will be required to wear a dosimeter – the dosimeter will be assigned to you upon completion of training.

**Please notify the RSO before the sale, transfer, or disposal of any x-ray device! Prior to disposal of any device, we will need to complete a X-ray Equipment Disposal Form, found below and cancel or transfer the registration with MSDH.**