Radiation Safety Training

Authorized users, radiation workers, x-ray users or anyone working adjacent to radioactive materials or ionizing radiation-producing devices will need to go through the appropriate training. If you are unsure about which training is right for you, please reach out to radiationsafety@ehs.msstate.edu.

Live Classes

CVM X-Ray Safety

This course provides detailed safety training to CVM personnel and students that use diagnostic x-ray devices. This course includes ionizing radiation fundamentals.

DVM X-Ray Safety

X-ray safety training for DVM students who have previously taken a Radiation Physics and Safety course as part of their curriculum.

Radiation Safety for Laboratory Workers

This course provides detailed safety training to all workers handling radioactive materials on campus or who will have access to labs using radioactive materials. Annual refresher training is required.

Nickel-63 ECD Management & Awareness Training

Individuals who work directly with or in proximity to gas chromatographs containing Nickel-63 Electron Capture Detectors (ECD) are required to take this training annually. This course is also recommended for property managers of departments owning these devices. 

The course is designed to provide awareness of the radioactive hazard of Nickel-63 ECD's and provide information on the proper management of the device.

Online Classes

When you click on a class below, you will be prompted to log into CAS and then taken to the Register For Selective Training Courses eform. Once there, you must select the correct class from the "Please Select a Course" dropdown. We also request that you justify why you are enrolling in this course by telling us how it applies to you and your field of study. Once you have completed the Self-Enroll Qualification eform, please sign into Canvas to access the training. We also ask that you fill out an MSU Radiation Safety Enrollment Form if you are a new radiation user at MSU.