Fire & Life Safety Training


For more information about any of the training below, please contact

Live Classes

Fire Extinguisher Training

This hands-on training will demonstrate the proper techniques for using a fire extinguisher and will discuss the different types of fire extinguishers used for different types of fires. This training is coordinated with Starkville Fire Department.

Facility Safety Review Training for Building Occupants

This 1-hour training will provide an overview of the facility safety review inspection process, including the most common violations identified.

Overview of Fire Sprinkler System (including demonstration)

This 1-hour training will provide an overview of the fire sprinkler system, including misconceptions of how the system operates. During the training, there will be an opportunity to visually see a sprinkler system riser, control valves, and a fire pump. This training will need to be scheduled with MSU’s NICET III Fire Safety Specialist directly.

Observation of Fire Sprinkler System Activation (Summer Only)

Are you interested in seeing what happens when a fire sprinkler system activates?  Do you think that all sprinkler heads activate at 1 time? Join EH&S to observe what actually happens!

Introductions to Fire Codes and Standards

This 1-hour course will provide an overview of the International Fire Code and NPFA standards, and how they relate to campus facilities. Code & standards books will be provided during the course to learn how to navigate the code world.

Online Classes

When you click on a class below, you will be prompted to log into CAS and then taken to the MyState Classroom portal where you can self-enroll. Once there, look for the "Canvas Self Enrollment" section. You must then select the correct course from the "Select a Course" dropdown. Once you have selected your course, click "Confirm Enrollment?" and then click "Self Enroll". Your selected course will now be available through your Canvas Courses.