Authorized Users

MSU operates under an educational broad scope license. This license allows us to utilize a variety of radioactive materials for research and educational purposes. For more information on MSU’s license please email

New Users

To begin the process of becoming an Authorized User of radioactive material, please fill out the Application to Use Radioactive Materials Form found below. Be as informative as possible and don’t worry if you have questions, we will assist you once we’ve reviewed the initial draft. Once you’ve filled out and submitted the form to, you will be contacted and informed of the next steps in the process.

Current Users

To modify an existing application for any reason please send an email or letter to the Radiation Safety Officer. Be as specific as possible about the modifications you wish to make – examples include adding new locations, using different isotopes, increasing possession limits of currently permitted isotopes, obtaining new x-ray device registrations, etc. To add new radiation workers please have them fill out the MSU Radiation Safety Enrollment Form found below so that they can be enrolled in the appropriate training.